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Developing Website Reviews

Developing Website Review Processes

Everything in our world needs scheduled maintenance. That’s why we get oil changes every 5000 miles. Your website is no different. Things change. And in the world of website efficacy, things change almost daily. New designs, new compatibility needs, speed enhancements, and great new media tools all mean that your site can become a dinosaur pretty quickly. You need some real pros to perform a review, make suggestions, and implement the changes you determine you want. Those pros are found at EssayWriting.education.

Get High Quality Website Reviews on a Regular Basis from EssayWriting.education

Once you order your website review, our entire team goes to work, checking the following:

  1. How easy is it to navigate? Where do visitors tend to leave? What are your hot spots and cold spots? These things inform new page designs and navigation tools
  2. How is the speed? Does your site load within 3-4 seconds? If not, we’ll fix that, because no one waits more than that for a site to load.
  3. Should old and tired colors and media be replaced? What options are there for new designs?
  4. Are your links to social media fast and operational?
  5. Is you blog well maintained and serving its purpose of bringing in traffic? Are the plug-ins for social media sharing and visitor interaction working well? Are there any new plug-ins that should be added?

You Control the Changes

We provide you with a full report based upon our review. It is totally within your power to decide which of the suggestions and recommendations we make.

Order you site review today by calling of chatting with us – your site needs a physical check-up!


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